Congratulations to Chloe B. and Kate A. for having their bookmark designs chosen from the Manhattan Beach branch of the County of Los Angeles Public Library system! Chloe received 1st Place in the 3rd-5th grade category and Kate received 2nd Place in the K-2nd grade category. They will be honored at a Manhattan Beach City Council Meeting ceremony on December 18th. The celebration continues afterwards at the library with gift bags of treats, Barnes & Noble gift cards, and 50 copies of their bookmark design to share with friends and family.
The PTSA generously donated a betta fish to the library (Robinson gave away bettas as prizes at this year's Hometown Fair booth). For the first week I called him Fishy but I knew he needed a proper name. Since he's the library pet now, I asked the kids to submit name suggestions. I received 189!

There were a few I really liked: PJ (short for Purple Jelly), Ms. Yukari, Jr., Twitchy, and Library Monster were contenders. But, in the end, I chose Mr. Westing as the betta's name. It was suggested by Ethan in 5th grade who recently read and enjoyed The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin (FIC RAS).

It's a book that I also highly recommend. It is a fantastic, very sophisticated mystery that won the 1979 Newbery Medal. It was my best friend’s favorite book growing up and she recommended it to me as an adult. If I remember correctly, I read it in my late-20s and I was riveted by the plot.

I hope Mr. Westing is comfortable in his bigger tank and enjoys hearing the library read alouds as much as the kids do!

Congratulations to those films nominated for an Academy Award that were inspired by children's literature!
And, if you haven't seen it yet, you can watch the winner of the Best Animated Short Film award, "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore," directed by William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg:
Don't forget the check out the iPad app that goes with the short film. You can download it from the App Store here.
You may remember the library's title guessing contest back in February. Students tried to figure out the titles of the books on Ms. Yukari's shirt, called Storytellers (and sold at Well, someone made a cake based on the shirt and it cannot be cuter!

Click through the slideshow to see how she made the cake.